Why Mark Stewart and the Stewart For Liberty campaign does NOT take donations:
1. There will be no appearance that this candidate has an allegiance to a single donor.
2. Would-be donors can do BETTER for this campaign: Use your voice, not your dollars. Far more valuable than money is your fervent talk, writings, and blogging to others who should know about these liberty-minded campaigns.
3. Potentially giving money to one of Mark's favorite charities. He has started a few and believes in many more. Private giving is the best substitute for government welfare. This puts Mark's theory directly into action.
4. Consider forming a PAC. This allows you and others to speak and fund campaigns like Stewart For Liberty. A PAC may not coordinate with the campaign directly, but if you are this committed, your sentiments will inevitably align with ours.
5. Call in to radio shows. Your words on behalf of liberty and/or Mark Stewart are perhaps more important than those of the candidate. Our fellow candidates (also known as Resistance candidates) are forming a radio posse to alert all who would do call-ins to appropriate topics when they are being broadcast. Let us know if you would like to be part of this posse.
6. Blog. Your words, with links to pages you think are appropriate here. Your contacts on social media and old-fashioned email spread the word better than 30 second dopey commercials.